Brain Fog

9 Tips to Beat Brain Fog and Enhance Mental Clarity

Written by: Dayvin Malifer



Time to read 3 min

Let’s be real, staying mentally sharp and focused can be a challenge for anyone—whether you’re a busy college student, an active teen, or a normal kid striving to excel in school. Brain fog, that annoying cloud that seems to obscure your thoughts and dampen your productivity, doesn't have to be a permanent fixture in your life. With the right strategies, you can clear the haze and enhance your mental clarity. Here are some practical tips designed to help you, or the young learner in your family, boost cognitive function and maintain peak mental performance.

1. Engage in Mental Challenges

Keeping your brain engaged with new and challenging activities can help prevent and clear brain fog. This could mean learning a new skill, playing strategy games, or solving puzzles. These activities stimulate the brain and can improve neural connectivity, which is essential for cognitive clarity.

Playing chess

2. Breaks and Downtime

Continuous study or work without breaks can amplify brain fog. It’s important to give your brain regular rest from time to time. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break, can be very effective. During breaks, avoid screens and engage in activities that you find relaxing or rejuvenating.

Taking Break at Workplace

3. Stay Hydrated

Your brain is approximately 75% water (Riebl, S. K., & Davy, B. M., 2013), and even slight dehydration can impact cognitive function. To keep your mind sharp, make sure you’re drinking enough fluids throughout the day. A simple rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. If you’re active or it’s a hot day, you may need more.

Man drinking water

4. Regular Exercise

Physical activity isn’t just good for the body; it’s great for the brain, too. Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, which helps to nourish cells with oxygen and nutrients while removing toxins. Even moderate exercise a few times a week can improve concentration, enhance mood, and boost mental clarity. Whether it’s a bike ride, a dance class, or just a brisk walk, find an activity you enjoy and make it a part of your routine.

Exercising Outdoors

5. Nutritious Diet

A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is crucial for brain health and mental clarity. Foods like blueberries, nuts, seeds, leafy greens, and fatty fish are known for their cognitive-enhancing properties. These foods help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which are enemies of a clear, functioning mind. For students, starting the day with a nutritious breakfast can significantly improve focus and performance in school.

Nutritious Diet

6. Mindfulness and Meditation

The practice of mindfulness and meditation can be particularly effective in clearing brain fog. These techniques help reduce stress, which is often a contributor to cognitive cloudiness. By learning to focus your mind and control your breathing, you can improve your attention span and mental clarity. There are many apps and online resources available to help guide you through mindfulness exercises and meditation.

Woman Meditating

7. Digital Detox

In an age where digital devices are ubiquitous, taking time to disconnect can help reset your brain. Excessive screen time can lead to digital fatigue and brain fog, straining your eyes and your mind. Try to allocate certain parts of the day as tech-free times, especially before bedtime, to help your brain recharge, achieve mental clarity, and reduce mental clutter.

Man Reading a Book

8. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is foundational to brain health. It’s during those quiet night hours that your brain processes the day's learning, forms memories, and rejuvenates. Teens and young adults need between 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, while younger children may require even more. Establish a regular sleep routine that includes winding down without screens an hour before bedtime and sticking to a consistent sleep schedule—even on weekends.

Woman sleeping

9. Natural Supplements

For an extra boost, consider natural supplements known for enhancing cognitive function. FOCO is designed with kids, teens, and college students in mind, offering a blend of all-natural ingredients known to support mental clarity, concentration, and memory. These include well-researched components like Huperzine-A, AmaTea Powder, and Bacopa Monnieri, which have been used to improve mental performance. Adding a supplement like FOCO to your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to enhance mental focus and clear up brain fog.


Brain fog doesn’t have to be a barrier to success or an accepted part of modern life. By implementing these tips, students of all ages can experience improved mental clarity and enhanced cognitive function. Remember, the goal isn’t just to perform better academically or be more productive; it’s also about achieving a healthier mental state that enhances overall quality of life. Whether it’s through dietary changes, exercise, mindfulness, or rest, the path to a clearer and sharper mind is within your reach–and FOCO can help boost these efforts. Take these steps today, and you’ll not only clear the fog but also pave the way for brighter, more focused days ahead.

LifeHack. The Pomodoro Technique: What It Is & How It Boosts Productivity. 2023.
ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. The Hydration Equation. 2013.